Shelfies:Cozy Loungewear with Support for the {No Bra Zone!}
Created by Shelfie Shoppe
Cozy loungewear with braless support and coverage, pajama comfort, and street worthy style!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Shelfies Have Landed!
about 4 years ago
– Sat, Jan 23, 2021 at 01:08:26 PM
We made it! All Kickstarter pre-orders for Shelfies have been mailed and should have been received by now! I just had a request for an update pop up in my inbox, so I wonder if someone is still waiting...if you are, please email me at [email protected]. I have tracking information for all of the shipments.
Shelfie Shoppe is OPEN for business!!! If you love yours and want to claim more, either an additional color or another style, hurry! This first collection is a limited edition and when they are gone, Shelfies will be moving on to a cool weather collection with the same unique features, new details, warmer fabrics, and expanded sizes!
You also should have received your Fish the Cat thank you video. If you didn't open that video, you can watch the video here.
And to check out the Founding Backers page, go here!
Quick Update
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 03:09:01 AM
Hello Shelfie Shoppe backers! The promised "out of factory" date did not happen. The factory made a cutting error that required more bra cups which were delivered yesterday. I am now asking that he ship me what he does have complete so that I can start fulfilling orders right away, even if orders have two be shipped in batches. You have waited LONG ENOUGH (plus about 2 years). I am trying hard to stay positive, and I do believe that many of you will be receiving happy mail from me within the month, but as of now, I do not have a solid date. As soon as I do, you'll be the first to know. Needless to say, IF I get the chance to produce another line of Shelfies, I will be using a different pattern maker and factory. I have learned a lot since this Kickstarter campaign. If I'd known how long fulfillment would take or how significantly I would feel that I'd let my backers down, I would not have done it at all. Hopefully, it'll end up being wonderful and the next line (which will simply be for sale online and only with inventory in hand, not through Kickstarter) will go differently. Thanks so much for supporting this product with your generous pre-orders! And thanks exponentially more for your patience and kindness as you wait.
Ok. Our Latest Delays Have Been Covid, the Death of the Factory Owner's Father, and Now Rolling Brown Outs
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 09:23:09 PM
I had a delivery date (from the factory to me) of the end of March until Covid closed the factory. The factory reopened in June and then the owner's father died. Now they are having rolling brownouts (Bay Area of N. California). This has been one of the most stressful situations of my life. I have a consultant supervising the manufacturing and keeping me informed. She had a factory visit Friday and things are finally moving forward again. I believe I will have a new delivery date very soon. I am so, so sorry for the continued delay. I just so appreciate your support of the project and know you'll love your Shelfies. I will let you know as soon as I have the clothes in hand and will ship out to you as absolutely soon as possible once I receive and package them!
Our Factory is Working on Re-Opening!
over 4 years ago
– Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 03:59:11 PM
Our factory has been given the go-ahead to re-open. They have to install plexiglass between the sewing machines. I don't know how long this will take, but as soon as they are up and running, they will be whipping out your Shelfies at a furious pace. I will let you know as soon as I have an ETA from them. I hope you are all safe and well!
Stay Cozy,
Joanne Jarrett
Our factory has been closed due to the shelter in place order in the San Francisco bay area.
almost 5 years ago
– Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 09:47:20 PM
Shelfie Shoppe loungewear, after a VERY LONG wait, was due to ship to me by the end of March. Our factory is in the SanFrancisco bay area of California where residents have been instructed to shelter in place due to the public health crisis of coronavirus. Therefore, the factory is closed. As soon as they can reopen, as long as all of the workers remain healthy, Shelfies will be the first thing completed and shipped. I can tell you, I really wish I had my soft, cozy shelf bra Shelfies to wear right now, as my house has turned in to a 24 hour no bra zone! Thank you so much for your patience. I promise, they'll be worth the wait!